Mazda Bongo advice?

Anything non-technical about the Mazda Bongo Friendee van

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Mazda Bongo advice?

Post by Wipachiel » Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:43 pm

We're looking for our first campervan this year but alongside the cost of a wedding and a new kitchen, we don't really want to spend a ton on something we might not use an awful lot. We were looking at the Mazda Bongo, and actually hired one a couple weeks ago and really liked it.

They look to be fairly old though, and with a budget of just under 10k, we're limited in options. I have a few questions, mainly around mileage and things to look out for when buying (as this is our first camper) but in general would people recommend the Bongo?
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Re: Mazda Bongo advice?

Post by Hazzobongo » Mon Feb 14, 2022 4:30 pm

I'm pretty new here but no doubt the bongo people here will all be in favour of another bongoer, we spent 9k on ours which has only been in the country 3 years and passed all three previous MOT's. Its diesel with 60k miles on the clock with elevating roof and a side kitchen conversion as a private buy and now we've had the timing belt and water pump done we're well happy with it as its relatively rust free. Its a 98 model but I'm not trying to impress the neighbours with my choice of car.

You need to inspect the underneath of these for rusting sills, crossmembers and wishbones etc especially on those which have been imported for years and be prepared to treat the rust you do find or have it done for you by a garage followed by an underseal as they don't get this done in Japan for the home market as they don't salt the roads for their winter weather.

There are importers dotted around the country offering these for sale as fresh imports. We considered one and I test drove it and inspected everything I could including the engine bay, it was a none elevating roof type, a 2002 model which looked and drove like a brand new car though it was a petrol model, I'd have bought it but caught the salesman who told me two lies, one that it was fresh off the boat which I new it wasn't and secondly that they'd fix the temperature gauge. I knew the gauge worked while these people had it as the 'boss' had taken it to photograph and his pic of the dash included the gauge working. Now because these cars can have cylinder head problems if they overheat and not wanting to immediately start stripping down a CH I walked away. It was 9k too but had no conversion and was just the basic van which unless you're doing the conversion to a camper yourself can set you back another 3k.

Hope this helps with your search, they are getting older now and will need to be looked after but like you we had this budget of 10k and any you find of other models will be asking silly money and if not they'll be sheds as we found when trawling websites around the country, personally I'm over the moon with our purchase, the van is comfortable and versatile and this one should go another ten years at least once I've done the few jobs underneath needing attended to. Theres one on here with a quarter of a million miles on it, regular services more than recommended and not allowing them to overheat, which means pulling in and leaving the motor going till they cool should ensure you get good mileage out of them without suffering head or gasket problems.
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Re: Mazda Bongo advice?

Post by Bob » Mon Feb 14, 2022 4:38 pm

Hi, and welcome aboard. 8)

Fact sheet here on buying a Bongo:

Do bear in mind the age, and a lot are suffering from rust although there are great ones out there.

Also a very small number of crooks posing as dealers so Caveat Emptor.

Having done the miserable bit we've had ours 14 years and love it, made many friends through the Club, too. :D
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