An early start and we’re set up by 7.30am in a lovely spot. Briefly....

....while Muzette checks out the ‘chicklings’ on the river bank....

....and I get some breakfast on the go

“Does my bum look big in this?”

Mid-morning and I’m tyred already

Next – the Bongo Olympics and our own version of the Olympic torch

....and the Parade of Olympians

I can’t help thinking there’s some unlikely contenders here

A Bongo especially adapted as a video tower....

....to discreetly film proceedings - you have been warned

First event – Welly-Wanging....

....with some varying techniques.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

Some techniques less successful than others....

....even Muzette had a go

Event two – the Sack Race....

....with some equally unlikely contenders

Refreshments for the weary spectators, never mind the competitors

Egg & spoon race

Penalty shootout – some of these would get a game for England on current form

The final event – Sumo

Genius, whoever thought of this

Tired of washing up? No problem, eat it straight out of the pressure cooker....

....and then leave the dog to clean the rest

Time to get ready for the evening’s entertainment....

....things went a bit blurry at this stage....

....possibly due to the large volumes of Ribena being drunk

....or barbecued Spam being eaten

Now THAT’s what you call a tin of Spam

Balanced diet – beer & Spam

Industrial Grade Spam in progress....

....go on, you know you want to

Matching hats

Mini-crisis – “Where’s Little-Legs?” – Asleep in our Bongo

....with Muzette

Great weekend, must do it again some time