Tackeroo is located on Cannock Chase in the heart of sunny Staffordshire and is a minimum facility camp site that offers great access for the Chase (Mountain Biking, Pony Trekking, Walking and military history etc). Details of Tackeroo can be found here:
http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/recr ... aravanSite
The site is very handy for the M6 and M6 Toll etc.
Last years post is here:
http://www.igmaynard.co.uk/bongo/forum/ ... t=tackeroo
Weather permitting, its a great spot for a picnic and for the kids but don't there are no toilets, showers or shops on the site.
Last years prices were £3 for car parking on the day and £10 for camping. The forest ranger comes round and collects money on the day, so there's no booking, deposits or any paperwork to worry about. I normally let the ranger know we will be there on sunday but its really just a case of turning up
Let us know if you can make, also if you are thinking of buying a bongo then please come along a meet a few bongo owners.
The 21st clashes with the end of the southern softies

Let us know if you can make it and I'll start the list