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Lost not found

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:51 pm
by kev&caz
Hi all,
Just wondered if any one found a watch. Caz lost her silver DKNY watch possibly Saturday night? We had a look around and tonight I took everything out of Billy Bongo still no sign. If you have found it and would return it thanks if it’s not found I suppose we all have a little bad luck from time to time. But the kids got it for her so it would be nice to get it back.
On a positive note we had a great time and for all of you who helped with the on going pimp thanks BDO, Bigdaddychian & of course Hayden. I got at least 2MPH and improved down draft on that big hill going home shame about the wheels but you know I’m watching and will soon be in Cornwall kids to visit and wheels to admire. I hope you all enjoyed the bash and think positive on the things you enjoyed. As the song goes accentuate the positive eliminate the negative. If we were all the same we would all be in a field in the middle of Stourport some times cold some times wet and the queue for a Bongo would mean we would not all be able to get one. Any way nuff said.
But please remember the watch.
All the best

Re: Lost not found

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:44 pm
by not so old
Sorry to hear you lost your watch Caz :( Have you found it yet ? If not did you report it to the local police, as someone may have handed it in. Might be worth a call!


Re: Lost not found

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:20 pm
by waycar8
Have you phoned the campsite?, someone may have handed it in there [-o< , hope you get it back :wink:

Re: Lost not found

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:20 pm
by jaylee
I remember you guys looking for yer watch on Saturday night while we were packing up..
Sorry to hear you didn't find it.
Have you asked the Yellow coats? it may have been handed in??

Incidentally, I found what i lost.. It tore off & landed in my back pocket!

Re: Lost not found

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:23 pm
by missfixit70
Nowt to my knowledge, remember them asking around, don't know if the site may have had it handed in or found it. Had a litter check around the site on monday, didn't see it :(

Re: Lost not found

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:32 pm
by mister munkey
Can admin move this to the bash 09 section please?

Re: Lost not found

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:47 pm
by missfixit70
Done - hadn't noticed that :wink:

Re: Lost not found

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:10 am
by Dizzy-Dots
I lost my sunglasses - I left them hanging up in the shower area #-o

I asked around but no-one had handed them in - had to go into Kidderminster to buy new ones :roll:

That was the third pair in a week!!!!! I broke the first in the car (rammed a book in the centre cubby, and squished my favourite pair) - broke the second by shutting the arm in the drawer at home :roll: and then lost the third at the bash - they say things come in 3's, so hopefully, I will hold onto my new pair a bit longer?

Hope you've found your watch now......